GSMCON Speaker Agreement

Thanks for your interest in presenting at our conference! Here are the terms & conditions you’ll need to accept in order to be considered as a presenter at GSMCON. If selected as a presenter, you’ll need to sign a digital agreement with Government Social Media LLC (GSM) indicating that you read and accept these terms.

Speaking proposals will be reviewed by GSM and we’ll share this information with any advisors, staff members and third parties selected to review speaker proposals. If you’re selected as a presenter, the following will apply –

1. What We’ll Do

A. We’ll give you complimentary general admission to participate in the in-person event. This complimentary admission is not transferable and does not include airfare, transportation or room nights or any upgraded add-ons. Add-ons can be purchased separately.

B. We may promote your participation in our event using your speaker profile information on websites, social media, email, ads and other promotional materials.

C. We’ll provide you with an informative Speaker Hub that houses urgent speaker deadlines, session flow, your downloadable slide deck, shareable graphics, useful demographic info about the audience and more.

D. We’ll provide you access to our Speaker Center (hosted on our third-party event app) that allows you to add materials to your session & engage with attendees. You’ll use this app to conduct/upload polls, edit your public profile, and optionally engage in Q&A with attendees (while not required, we highly encourage you to interact with attendees outside of your session).

E. We may give you feedback and advice about the direction of your session and what may resonate best with our attendees.

2. What You Commit To

A. You will inform us prior to signing this agreement if you have any need or disability that will make it difficult or impossible to fulfill any of these terms, and let us know the assistance you require. We will do our best to accommodate requests.

B. You agree to amend your session title, description and general direction based on any feedback from GSM.

C. You agree that your session consists of original content. If you use external sources, you will properly cite them. We strongly prefer you create an original session just for GSMCON, not a session that you’ve presented at other national or state conferences.

D. If you cannot host your in-person session or need to cancel for any reason, you will notify us immediately and you will not receive complimentary admission. Although you may recommend a replacement presenter, you understand that GSM may or may not accept the replacement and may choose to cancel the session entirely or assign the topic to another speaker.

E. You must use our slide deck template (MS PowerPoint) and submit it and any handouts to us at least 7 business days prior to the first day of the event. These items will be saved in PDF format and will be downloadable by attendees via our third-party event app. In the Speaker Hub, we’ll provide additional guidance on making your files accessible, including structure and alt text, and how to submit your slide deck.

F. You must present from the conference laptop provided by GSMCON (we may use a Windows or a Mac). This is very important as our laptop will be connected to the livestream equipment if applicable, and it’s not simple and sometimes not possible to swap out.

G. You’ll complete all speaker materials within the deadlines, including completing your speaker profile information, confirming session scheduling and providing your slide deck. Important dates will be included in the speaker hub.

H. In the event that you do not meet the deadlines established by GSM, requiring repeated follow-up, you understand that your session and participation may be canceled. No reimbursements will be made for any non-refundable expenses.

I. You are encouraged to help promote the event to your professional networks. This can include posting on your social media, sharing the event with your colleagues, and amplifying your session’s presence. We will provide promotional assets to assist in your efforts.

3. What to Know About In-Person Sessions

A. Your session for the hybrid event will be held in-person at our venue. The event is hybrid, so virtual participants may also watch most sessions online from anywhere in the world in real-time.

B. Breakout sessions range between 45 minutes to 1 hour and include around 10-15 minutes for Q&A.

C. During your Q&A, a helper will be assigned to assist you by verbalizing the questions that come in for you from the virtual audience. Please take 1-2 questions from the virtual audience first.

D. ‘Speed Sessions’ may involve several unassociated speakers, requiring each speaker to be mindful of their allotted time.

E. We may ask you to record a quick, 30-second promo clip for your session, which may be used for GSM promos and marketing.

4. What Our Content Standards Are

A. You will not hold GSM liable and you release the company from any repercussions, liabilities or damages should any advice you offer be misconstrued, shared on the internet or anything else that may be against our policies for participants.

B. You agree to be professional and courteous in your remarks and slides, and not to disparage, shame or ridicule any members of your team, agency or the public during your presentation or in other communications on the event platform. You also agree to refrain from using profane or inappropriate language and to wear appropriate professional attire (i.e. business casual).

C. You understand that participants are not allowed to record, repurpose sessions, or share them publicly – but due to the nature of hybrid events – you are solely responsible for the content of your session and you are advised not to disclose private, sensitive or damaging information.

D. Screenshots or footage of direct messages from the public should have the profile name and picture blurred and identifying or personal information should not be shown. Additionally, any screenshots or footage of the public that show them in a negative light should have their profile names and pictures blurred or marked out, while positive portrayals may keep those details visible. If showing examples of ‘what not to do’ on social, it’s helpful to use private industry examples or remove the identifying portions of the government entity.

5. How We’ll Use Your Session & Materials

A. You agree that we may record your session and and place it and any supporting materials on the event platform for viewing by registered participants, including after the event. GSM may use your session recording or additional materials for other purposes such as marketing and may package it together with other sessions or content for sale and you grant GSM a copyright release to do so.

B. Your session recording and our slide deck template is for exclusive use by GSM and you are not permitted to repurpose it for any other purpose, including other events. You aren’t restricted from re-creating your content and topic area for other purposes, but your GSMCON session recording may only be used by GSM.

Government Social Media LLC
9732 Pyramid Way #125, Sparks, NV 89441
(888) 803-9401